tirsdag 9. april 2013

Birthmark update

Hello! :) I had surgery seven days ago, and I thought I might as well give you an update ;)

As I mentioned above, I had the first surgery seven days ago, and everything is healing well :) I've had a small problem though ;o..  The wound got a bit inflamed, so we are still in the process of getting all the dirt out of there!

The surgeon removed about 1/2 of the birthmark, wich is quite a lot compared to what I thought he'd remove.

Right after the opertion, It was ofcourse a bit tight around the wound cause he had removed skin, and it got tightened. I think the skin has streched abit since then. It doesn't really hurt much, except from if I wink tight with my left eye. It was worse before though.

The thing that bothers me the most at the moment is that the birthmark is inflamed(as mentioned), and that we are trying to get rid of all the fluid and bacteria. I have this silver patch on the birthmark, around the liquid area wich is there too suck out all the fluid and kill the bacteria. Looking forward to thursday!(wich is the day I can remove it)

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